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Тема урока: Teens activities
Практическая: формирование у учащихся умений в изучающем чтении, изучение и активизация новой лексики по теме “ Teens activities ”, практика диалогического общения.
Развивающая: развитие умения аргументировать и доказывать свое мнение, тренировка памяти, развитие способности концентрировать внимание и распределять его, развитие ассоциативного мышления, воображения.
Образовательная: использование английского языка для повышения общей культуры учащихся.
Воспитательная: воспитание личностных качеств, обеспечивающих успешность творческой деятельности (активности, увлеченности, целеустремленности, настойчивости, наблюдательности, волевых качеств, интуиции, сообразительности, самостоятельности), воспитание личностных качеств, обеспечивающих успешность существования и деятельности в ученическом коллективе (вежливости, тактичности, уважения, самообладания, выдержки)
Оснащение урока: учебник Spotlight 10, рабочая тетрадь.
Этап урока |
Речь учителя |
Предполагаемая речь учеников |
Записи на доске |
Организационный момент (2мин) |
Good morning, boys and girls! I’m so glad to see you! Take your sits please. How are you? Let me introduce myself. My name is Yana Yurevna and I’m a student of 5th course in Kemerovo State University. In February and March I’ll be your English teacher. |
Good morning! Fine!
Feb,8th |
Сообщение темы и цели урока (6мин) |
Today we are going to speak about our favorite activities. I like dancing and playing basketball, for example. And what about you? Tell me your name and your hobby and so we will get to know some extra information about you. This time look at ex.1 on p.10 and recollect which types of activities exist. Please present your answers to the class.
In my country most teens enjoy hanging out with friends, playing computer games, listening to music, and watching DVDs. Some teens enjoy going window shopping and going clubbing but not many enjoy going on trips to the countryside. I enjoy chatting online. etc
Дотекстовый этап. Работа с заголовком.(3мин) |
Look at the introduction and the title of the text. What do you think this text is going to be about? |
I expect to read about what 16-year-olds in different parts of the world do in their free time.
Текстовый этап. (7мин) |
Ok, now look through the text and we will see if you were right or not. So, were your ideas correct? |
YesNo |
Послетекстовый этап.(6мин) |
We are going to listen to the text. But before listening, pay attention to Study Skills Box. Let’s read it. You should follow the steps explained in the Study Skills box. Answer the questions. |
1.C Jamie 4.E Brandon 2.A Fiona 5.D Kim 3.B Josie 6.F Emily |
Практика навыка диалогического общения.(10мин) |
You should conduct an interview with your partner, and ex.5 will help you. Let’s read and translate these useful phrases. Any questions? Read the example. So use the phrases in ex. 1 and complete them in pairs. Please act out your short exchanges in front of the class.
It’s time to create your own dialogues. Present them to the class. And others will listen and decide which dialogue is the best.
Pay attention to the quotation please. Do you have any ideas how to paraphrase the quotation? Discuss the meaning in pairs, you should tell if you agree or disagree with the quotation and justify your opinion. Then you should present the result of your discussion to your class.
A: Do you like doing extreme sports? B: I’m crazy about extreme sports. What sort of thing do you like doing? A: I love playing computer games. etc
A: Fiona, could you tell me what you like to do in your free time? B: Yes, sure. I love hanging out with my friends and watching comedies on TV. A: Do you like listening to music? B: Yes. I love music. A: What type of music do you like? B: I love indie bands like the Arctic Monkeys. A: And do you like shopping? B: Oh no, I can’t stand shopping. etc
Домашнее задание.(4мин)
And now look at ex.6. You should write a small story about your favorite activities. It will be your home task. And also at home you should do Ex.1- 4 on p.4 in your work book. Bye!!! |
Good-bye! |
Work book p.4 ex1,2,3,4 St’s book p.11 ex 6. |